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WEB 2.0


ThatQuiz in not just a great place to find quizzes and drills for your students, but a place where you can create your own online quizzes that are available to your students 24/7.  Students can get instant feedback on how well they did.  Teachers who register themselves can create their own quizzes and share them with others. Teachers can use ThatQuiz  quizzes as assessment tools or as practice activities for students. Once a teacher and his/her students are registered the teacher can assign specific quizzes to each student. The students then take the quiz online and the results are available instantly to the teacher and the student. Teachers can assign a time limit for taking a quiz and can limit the number of attempts on each quiz.

Click on a number each day of December to reveal a Web 2.0 tool.  You could peek early, but what is the fun in that?​

All resources come from my blog Teachers Technology Toolbox or from my own site.  I hope you find some great tools to use in your classroom this December.  Click the 2012 to get back to the main page. 

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