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If you use web applications like Gmail, Pandora, or YouTube, you can now create a Mac App out web application rather than running these web applications on separate tabs in your browser.  Simply put, you can now turn your favorite web apps into OS X desktop apps by using Fluid.


Creating a Fluid App out of your favorite website is simple. Enter the website's URL, provide a name, and optionally choose an icon. Click "Create", and within seconds your chosen website has a permanent home on your Mac as a real Mac application that appears in your Dock. Fluid is free. You can download Fluid for free and create as many Fluid Apps as you like.

Click on a number each day of December to reveal a Web 2.0 tool.  You could peek early, but what is the fun in that?​

Usually, all resources come from my blog Teachers Technology Toolbox or from my own site. This year I've hidden a few gems that I haven't shared with anybody yet.  I hope you find some great tools to use in your classroom this December.  Click the 2013 to get back to the main page. 


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