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If you were to scour Google Drive templates and scripts you would find some tools for making flash cards, but none of them would be as simple to use as  Flippity is a tool that allows you to create online flash cards using data in your Google Spreadsheets.  Flippity has great instructions that guide you through using the template, entering your data, and publishing your flashcards.  Once published you can bookmark and/or distribute the url that will allow you or your students to access the flashcards.  Flippity also allows you to to shuffle the cards as well. While memorizing vocabulary does not require the highest level of thinking skills, it is sometimes necessary.  Flippity is a good tool for creating flashcards and distributing them easily.  Once you have done this for your students a couple of time, have them create their own.  I know my own boys did much better with memorizing vocabulary when they had to make the flashcards themselves.

Click on a number each day of December to reveal a Web 2.0 tool.  You could peek early, but what is the fun in that?​

Usually, all resources come from my blog Teachers Technology Toolbox or from my own site. This year I've hidden a few gems that I haven't shared with anybody yet.  I hope you find some great tools to use in your classroom this December.  Click the 2013 to get back to the main page. 


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