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 Kaizena is a web tool that allows you to add voice comments to Google Documents that are in your Google Drive, whether they are yours, or if they are shared with you.  To use Kaizena, you need to authorize permission for it to access your Google account.  Once that is done, you can open any document in your Drive, highlight a selection of text, and record your comments for students to listen to.  The video above does a great job of walking you through this process.  This is a great tool for providing audio feedback on students' written work.

Click on a number each day of December to reveal a Web 2.0 tool.  You could peek early, but what is the fun in that?​

Usually, all resources come from my blog Teachers Technology Toolbox or from my own site. This year I've hidden a few gems that I haven't shared with anybody yet.  I hope you find some great tools to use in your classroom this December.  Click the 2013 to get back to the main page. 


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